Established in 2013, Scout Media is an independent publishing company, record label, and copy-editing service for aspiring authors and musicians/bands.
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2023’s installment, An Alumni of Words, is the Of Words swan song and includes only authors who were published in any of the other eight volumes.
2021’s installment, An Election of Words, includes 32 authors who wrote short stories centered around elections and voting.
2019’s installment, A Bond of Words, includes 29 authors who wrote short stories centered around creating or severing a bond with someone or something else.
2018’s flash-fiction installment, A Flash of Words, includes 49 authors who were allowed to write a flash-fiction piece about any topic of theme.
2020’s installment, A Flash of Words 2: The Games, includes 40 authors who wrote flash fiction centered around games or sports.
2018's installment, A Contract of Words, includes 27 authors who wrote short stories centered around a broken or fulfilled contracts.
2017's installment, A Haunting of Words, includes 30 authors who wrote short stories centered around a haunting or interactions with ghosts.
2016's installment, A Journey of Words, includes 35 authors who wrote short stories centered around a journey or traveling.
2015's installment, A Matter of Words, includes 21 authors who were allowed to write about any topic or theme.
The 'Of Words' series are short story anthologies published by Scout Media, featuring authors from all over the world. Each edition is themed with a specific topic but never genre based.